Hajj, Anas. due 2026. MA. The Acquisition of Word Medial Clusters in Palestinian Arabic (with Avivit Ben-David, Hadassah Academic College)
Samara, Suma. due 2025. PhD. Does Emphasis Spread Spread to Spelling? The Phonology and Spelling of Tira Arabic emphatics
Yeverechyahu, Hadas. 2024. PhD. Hebrew Phonotactics: Frequency and Grammar
Karni, Noa. 2024. PhD. In Between Grammars: English as a Heritage Language in Israel
Watad, Ola. 2022. MA. The Acquisition of Word Initial Consonant Clusters in Palestinian (Jatt) Arabic (with Avivit Ben-David, Haddassah Academic College)
Berrebi, Si. 2021. PhD. Hearing Ethnicity: Classification, Streotypization and Processing of Socially Marked Phonetic Features in Modern Hebrew (with Sharon Peperkamp, CNRS)
Miller, Lisa. 2021. PhD. Israeli Heritage Russian: Vowel-zero (yer) Alternation and Stress Patterns in the Nominal Paradigm
Yariv, Daniella. 2021. MA. The Markedness over Faithfulness Bias: Coda Moraicity in Early Hebrew Speech
Afus, Valeriya. 2020. MA. The Effect of Prosody on the Perception of Segmental Features (with Evan-Gary Cohen, Tel-Aviv University)
Haim, Mor. 2020. MA. Phonology-Morphology (A)synchronization in the Acquisition of Hebrew Verb Paradigm
Handelsman, Noa. 2020. MA. Category-specific Phonology in the Acquisition of Hebrew.
Himmelreich, Roman. 2019. MA. Positional allomorphy: Pausal vs. Context allomorphy in Biblical Hebrew (with Geoffrey Khan, Cambridge University UK)
Schoenfeld, Aviv. 2018. MA. Correspondences in Hebrew Blend Puns (with Evan-Gary Cohen, Tel-Aviv University)
Shatz, Itamar. 2018. MA. Phonological Selectivity in the Acquisition of Complex Clusters in English (with Evan-Gary Cohen, Tel-Aviv University)
Berrebi, Si. 2017. MA. The Root of Consonant Bias: A Psycholinguistic Study of Phonological Facilitation in Hebrew (with Aya Meltzer-Asscher, Tel-Aviv University)
Bresloff-Shternshos, Linor. 2016. MA [in Hebrew]. Comparative Atypical Phonology: Children with Verbal Dyspraxia vs. Autistic Children (with Lidia Gabis, Tel-Aviv University)
Abarbanel, Inbal. 2016. MA. From Bambara to Hebrew: Production and Perception of Lexical Tone by Speakers of a Non-tonal Language
Stern, Ifat. 2016. MA. Syncretism in Modern Hebrew Verb Paradigm
Mizrachi, Avi. 2016. MA. Voicing Assimilation and the Acoustic Correlates of Voicing in Hebrew (with Evan-Gary Cohen, Tel-Aviv University)
Zaidenberg, Hadass. 2015. MA. Prosodic Deficit in the Perception of Focus: Evidence from Hebrew Speaking Individuals with Asperger Syndrome (with Naama Friedmann, Tel-Aviv University)
Yeverechyahu, Hadas. 2014. MA. The Role of Similarity in Cooccurrence Restrictions: Evidence from the Hebrew Verbal System (with Evan-Gary Cohen, Tel-Aviv University)
Albert, Aviad. 2014. MA. Phonotactic Universals in Modern Hebrew: Evidence for Prosodic Alignment of Stops (with Evan-Gary Cohen, Tel-Aviv University)
Zadok, Gila. 2012. PhD. On the Instability of Hebrew Weak Verbs: Similarity, Variation, and Change
Gafni, Chen. 2012. MA. Consonant Harmony in the Scope of Language Development
Bloch, Tamar. 2011. MA. Simplification Patterns in the Acquisition of Word Initial Consonant Clusters in Hebrew
Karni, Noa. 2011. MA. Chain Shift and Local Constraint Conjunction in the Acquisition of Hebrew Onsets
Laks, Lior. 2011. PhD. Morpho-phonological and Morpho-thematic Relations in Hebrew and Arabic Verb Formation (with Tal Siloni, Tel-Aviv University)
Gishri, Michal. 2009. MA. The Role of Prominence in the Acquisition of Medial Codas in Hebrew: Evidence from a Slow Developer
Cohen, Evan-Gary 2009. PhD. The Role of Similarity in Phonology: Evidence from Loanword Adaptation in Hebrew
Fainleib, Yelena. 2008. MA. Default stress in lexical-stress languages: Evidence from Hebrew and Russian
Lustigman, Lyle. 2007. MA. Selectivity in Early Child Grammar: The Case of Hebrew Verb Morphology (with Ruth Berman, Tel-Aviv University)
Levinger, Michal. 2007. MA. The Acquisition of Hebrew Plurals: A Morpho-phonological Account (with Galit Adam, Tel-Aviv University)
Adi-Bensaid, Limor. 2006. PhD. The Prosodic Development of Hebrew-Speaking Hearing Impaired Children with CI and HA
Laks, Lior. 2006. MA. The Interface of Prosodic Morphology and Arity Operations: Lexical vs. Syntactic Operations in Arabic and Hebrew (with Tal Siloni, Tel-Aviv University)
Faust, Noam. 2006. MA. The Fate of the Historical Gutturals in Modern Hebrew
Pariente, Itsik. 2006. MA. Pharyngeal Effects in Sepharadic Modern Hebrew
Tubul-Lavy, Gila. 2005. PhD [in Hebrew]. The Phonological Development of Hebrew-Speaking Children with Developmental Dyspraxia
Andreev, Evgeny. MA. 2004. The Phonology and Morphology of Russian Abbreviations (with Paul Wexler, Tel-Aviv University)
Rosenberg, Adi. 2003. MA [in Hebrew]. Phonological Acquisition Patterns of an SLI Child: Constraint Ranking in the Impaired Phonological System
Adam, Galit. 2002. PhD. From Variable to Optimal Grammar: Evidence from Language Acquisition and Language Change
Becker, Michael. 2002. MA. Hebrew Stress: Can You Hear Those Trochees? (with Charles Kisseberth, Tel-Aviv University)
Zadok, Gila. 2002. MA. Abbreviations: A Unified Analysis of Acronym Words, Clippings, Clipped Compounds, and Hypocoristics
Lavi, Limor. 1996. MA [in Hebrew]. Coarticulation and Hearing in Phonology: Aspects of Partial Use of Distinctive Features in the Speech of Deep Hearing Impaired Speakers
Adam, Galit. 1993. MA [in Hebrew]. Stop-Fricative Alternation in Modern Hebrew