Papers & PPPs

Samara, Suma and Outi Bat-El Foux. in prep. Phonetic and phonological properties of Arabic emphasis.

Hajj, Anas, Avivit Ben-David and Outi Bat-El Foux. in prep. The acquisition of word medial consonant sequences in Palestinian Arabic.

Ben-David, Avivit, Chen Gafni and Outi Bat-El Foux. in prep. Pick and choose: The role of contiguity in syllable selection.

Ben-David, Avivit and Outi Bat-El Foux. in prep. Word initial onset omission in child language.

Yariv Daniella and Outi Bat-El Foux. in prep. The emergence of the unmarked in early Hebrew speech: TROCHEE and WEIGHT-BY-POSITION.

Bat-El Foux, Outi and Avivit Ben-David. in print. Similar paths for dissimilar structures: Prosodic development in Arabic and Hebrew child language 

Bat-El Foux, Outi. in print. על החשיבות של קצות המילה [On the importance of word edges].

Bat-El Foux, Outi and Avivit Ben-David. 2025. Word initial onset omission in child language: Evidence from Palestinian Arabic and Hebrew. A paper presented in OCP 22, University of Amsterdam.

Watad, Ola, Outi Bat-El Foux, and Avivit Ben-David. 2024. Frequency and universal principles in the acquisition of word initial consonant cluster in Palestinian Arabic. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 1-27. 

 Outi Bat-El Foux. 2023. Biblical Hebrew phonology from a theoretical perspective. Radical: A Journal of Phonology 5, 1-45.

Berrebi Si, Outi Bat-El and Aya Meltzer-Asscher. 2023. The roots of consonant bias in Semitic languages: a critical review of psycholinguistic studies of languages with non-concatenative morphology. Morphology.

Haim, Mor and Outi Bat-El Foux. 2023. Asynchronization at the phonology–morphology interface: A case study of an atypically developing Hebrew-acquiring boy. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics 37(9) 

Handelsman, Noa and Outi Bat-El . 2022. Phonological effects on word order: Hebrew AB constructions. Phonological Data & Analysis 4(2), 1-21.

Haim, Mor, Noa Handelsman, Daniella Yariv, Chen Gafni, Daniel Asherov, Galit Adam, and Outi Bat-El. 2021. Phonology-morphology interface: Typical vs. atypical development of Hebrew. MIT Working Papers in Linguistics.

Handelsman, Noa, Mor Haim, Daniella Yariv, Chen Gafni, Daniel Asherov, Galit Adam, and Outi Bat-El. 2021. The phonology of nouns and verbs in early Hebrew speech. MIT Working Papers in Linguistics.

Himmelreich, Roman and Outi Bat-El. 2021. Pausal vs. context forms in Tiberian Hebrew: A multi-planer analysis of vowel reduction and stress. In R.D. Holmstedt (ed.), Linguistic Studies on Biblical Hebrew, 9-38. Brill.

Berent, Iris, Outi Bat-El, Qatherine Andan, Diane Brentari, and Vered Vaknin-Nusbaum. 2021. Amodal phonology. Journal of Linguistics, 57(3), 499-529.

Yariv, Daniella, Mor Haim, Noa Handelsman, Radan Nasrallah, Chen Gafni, Daniel Asherov, Galit Adam, and Outi Bat-El. 2020. The markedness-over-faithfulness bias in language acquisition: Coda moraicity in the acquisition of Hebrew. A paper presented in OCP 17, Warsaw. 

Berent, Iris, Outi Bat-El, Diane Brentari, and Melanie Platt. 2020. Knowledge of Language Transfers From Speech to Sign: Evidence From DoublingCognitive Science 44  e12809.

Yeverechyahu, Hadas and Outi Bat-El. 2020. Biblical Hebrew segolates: Universal and language specific effects. Brill’s Journal of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics 12:31-73 (special issue on Biblical Hebrew) 

Schoenfeld, Aviv, Evan-Gary Cohen, and Outi Bat-El. 2019. Plumpricot or apriplum? Variable base-word positioning in blends. Lexis 14  (special issue on English blends).

Bat-El, Outi. 2019. Linguistic hybrids and other blends. A talk presented in the Celebration of David Gil’s Linguistics. Leipzig.  

Bat-El, Outi, Hadas Yeverechyahu, and Roman Himmelreich. 2019. Broken segolates. A paper presented at the conference on Biblical and Rabbinic Hebrew: New Perspectives in Philology and Linguistics. University of Cambridge, UK. 

Asherov, Daniel and Outi Bat-El. 2019. Syllable structure and complex onsets in Modern Hebrew. Brill’s Journal of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics 11, 69-95. (special issue on Modern Hebrew).

Bat-El, Outi, Evan-Gary Cohen, and Vered Silber-Varod. 2019. Hebrew stress: Phonology and phoneticsBrill’s Journal of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics  11, 96-118. (special issue on Modern Hebrew).

Bat-El, Outi. 2019. Templatic morphology (clippings, root-and-pattern). Oxford Research Encyclopedia of LinguisticsOxford University Press.

Handelsman, Noa, Mor Haim, Chen Gafni, Daniella Yariv, Daniel Asherov,Vered Cherkez, Galit Adam, and Outi Bat-El. 2018. Phonology-lexicon interface in the acquisition of Hebrew: Prosodic distincitons between lexical categories. A paper presented at the workshope on Phonological Variation and its interfaces, University of Barcelona, and the 2nd BJALL International Conference on Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics, Nantes.

Haim, Mor, Noa Handelsman, Chen Gafni, Daniella Yariv, Vered Cherkez, Daniel Asherov, Galit Adam, and Outi Bat-El. 2018. Inter-child variation: The interface between phonology and morphology. A paper presented at the workshop on Phonological Variation and its interfaces, University of Barcelona.

Andan, Qatherine. Outi Bat-El, Diane Brentari, and Iris Berent. 2018. ANCHORING is amodal: Evidence from a signed language. Cognition 180, 279-283.

Himmelreich, Roman and Outi Bat-El. 2018. Positional allomorphy: Pausal vs. context forms in Tiberian Hebrew. A paper present at the 2nd workshop of The Research Network for Biblical Hebrew Linguistics. The Hebrew University, Jerusalem.

Bat-El, Outi and Avivit Ben-David. 2018. Developing phonology. A. Bar-On and D. Ravid (eds) Handbook of Communication Disorders: Theoretical, Empirical, and Applied Linguistic Perspectives, 63-87. Mouton De Gruyter.   

Bat-El, Outi. 2018. Hebrew stress: Back to the futureActa Linguistica Academica 65, 3-27.

Bat-El, Outi. 2017. Biblical Hebrew stress system: The butterfly effect. A paper presented at the 1st workshop of The Research Network of Biblical Hebrew Linguistics. Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan.

Bat-El, Outi. 2017. The extent of inter-child variation: Typical vs. atypical phonological development. A paper presented at the 23rd Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics. Aristotle University, Thessaloniki.

Bat-El, Outi 2017. Word-based items-and processes (WoBIP): Evidence from Hebrew morphology. In C. Bowern, L. Horn, and R. Zanuttini (eds), On Looking into Words (and beyond), 115-135. Berlin: Language Sciences Press.

Ben-David, Avivit and Outi Bat-El. 2017. Stressed vs. final syllable in early speech: Which one is stronger? In E. Bar-Asher Siegal (ed.) Proceedings of IATL 2014, MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 82.

Berent, Iris, Outi Bat-El, and Vered Vaknin-Nusbaum. 2017. The double identity of doubling: Evidence for the phonology-morphology splitCognition 161, 117-128.

Ben-David, Avivit and Outi Bat-El. 2016. Paths and Stages in the acquisiton of Hebrew phonological word. In R. Berman (ed.) Acquisition and Development of Hebrew: From Infancy to Adolescence, 39-68. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Berent, Iris, Outi Bat-El, Diane Brentari, Amanda Dupuis, and Vered Vaknin-Nusbaum. 2016. The double identity of linguistic doubling. PNAS 113, 13702-13707.

Bat-El, Outi. 2016. Hebrew stress: Back to the future. A paper presented at OCP 13. Budapest. 

Asherov, Daniel and Outi Bat-El. 2016. Multiple defaults: Hebrew feminine –et and –a in the present tense. Morphology 26, 399-423.

Ben-David, Avivit and Outi Bat-El. 2016. Paths and stages in the acquisition of Hebrew phonological word. In R. Berman (ed.) Acquisition and Development of Hebrew: From Infancy to Adolescence, 39-68. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Zadok, Gila and Outi Bat-El. 2015. Inte-rparadigm leveling in Hebrew verbal system. Morphology 25, 271-297.

Bat-El, Outi. 2015. The trochaic bias: Nature or nurture. A paper presented in DGfS 37 workshop Universal Biases on Phonological Acquisition and ProcessingLeipzig.

Ben-David, Avivit and Outi Bat-El. 2015. Strong vs strong, but which is stronger? Stressed and final syllables in language acquisition. A paper presented in DGfS 37 workshop Strong vs Weak Prosodic Positions: Possible Variation and Relevance for GrammarLeipzig.

Faust, Noam and Outi Bat-El. 2015. Optimal Government Phonology. A paper presented at The Form of Structure, the Structure of Form: Three Days of Linguistics for Jean Lowenstamm. Paris VII.

Bat-El, Outi. 2014. Staying away from the weak left edge: A strengthening strategyIn S. Bendjaballah, N. Faust, M. Lahrouchi, and N. Lampitelli (eds), The Form of Structure, the Structure of Form: Essays in honor of Jean Lowenstamm. John Benjamins. 

Bat-El, Outi (ed.). 2014. The Acquisition of Hebrew Phonology and Morphology. Brill.

Bat-El, Outi. 2014. A fault of default: Local and global default in Hebrew feminine verbs. A paper presented at the workshop on Allomorphy: Its Logic and Limitations. The Hebrew University, Jerusalem. 

Bat-El, Outi and Gila Zadok. 2014. The role of similarity and frequency in inter-paradigm leveling. A paper presented at OCP 11, Leiden-Amsterdam.

Bat-El, Outi. 2013. Acquisition of phonology.  Blends.  Denominal verbs.  Neutralization.  Reduplication.  5 entries in the Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics (EHLL). Brill. 

Bat-El, Outi. 2012. Prosodic alternations in Modern Hebrew segolates. In M. Muchnik and T. Sadan (eds), Studies in Modern Hebrew and Jewish Languages. 116-129.

Bat-El, Outi. 2012. Phonological constraints on morphological development: The acquisition of Hebrew verb inflectional suffixesBAALL 4, 189-212.

Bat-El, Outi and Evan-Gary Cohen. 2012. Stress in English blends: A constraint-based approachV. Renner, F. Maniez and P. Arnaud (eds), Cross-disciplinary Perspectives on Lexical Blending193-212.Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 

Bat-El, Outi. 2012. The Sonority Dispersion Principle in the acquisition of Hebrew word final codas. In S. Parker (ed.), The Sonority Controversy, 319-344. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Bat-El, Outi. 2011. Lexical representation in Semitic-type morphology: A phonological perspective. A paper presented in the workshop Approaches to the Lexicon (Root III). The Hebrew University, Jerusalem.

Bat-El, Outi. 2011. Semitic templates. In M. van Oostendrop, C. Ewen, E. Hume, and K. Rice (eds), Blackwell Companion to Phonology, 2586-2608. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.  

Bat-El, Outi. 2010. Phonological interference with morpho-syntactic guidelines: The acquisition of Hebrew verb inflectional suffixes. A handout of a talk presented at BAALL’s 1st Conference on Afroasiatic Linguistics. Paris.

Bat-El, Outi. 2009. A gap in the feminine paradigm of Hebrew: A consequence of identity avoidance in the suffix domain. In C. Rice and S. Blaho (eds), Modeling Ungrammaticality in Optimality Theory, 165-194. London: Equinox. 

Adam, Galit and Outi Bat-El. 2009. When do universal preferences emerge in language development? The acquisition of Hebrew stress. Brill’s Annual of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics 1, 1-28.

Bat-El, Outi. 2009. Harmonic domains and synchronization in typically and atypically developing Hebrew-speaking children. Language Sciences 31, 117-135.

Bat-El, Outi. 2008. Morphologically conditioned V–Ø alternation in Hebrew: Distinction among nouns, adjectives & participles, and verbs. In S. Armon-Lotem, G. Danon, and S. Rothstein (eds) Current Issues in Generative Hebrew Linguistics, 27-60. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Adam, Galit and Outi Bat-El. 2008. Morphological knowledge without morphological structure: Morphology-prosody interface in the first Hebrew verbs. In S. Armon-Lotem, G. Danon, and S. Rothstein (eds), Current Issues in Generative Hebrew Linguistics, 197-222. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 

Adam, Galit and Outi Bat-El. 2008. Segmental effects on syllable selection: Evidence from Hebrew. In A. Gavarró and M.J. Freitas (eds), Language Acquisition and Development: Proceedings of GALA 2007, 1-11. Newscastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 

Adam, Galit and Outi Bat-El. 2008. The trochaic bias is universal: Evidence from Hebrew. In A. Gavarró and M.J. Freitas (eds) Language Acquisition and Development: Proceedings of GALA 2007, 12-24. Newscastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 

Bat-El, Outi. 2006. Consonant copying and consonant identity: The segmental and prosodic structure of Hebrew reduplication. Linguistic Inquiry 37, 179-210.

Bat-El, Outi. 2006. BlendEncyclopedia of Language and Linguistics (2nd edition). Oxford: Elsevier.

Bat-El, Outi. 2006. Modern Hebrew. Encyclopedia of Linguistics. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers.

Bat-El, Outi. 2005. The emergence of the trochaic foot in Hebrew hypocoristics. Phonology 22, 1-29.

Bat-El, Outi. 2005. Competing principles of in paradigm uniformity: Evidence from Hebrew imperative paradigm. In L.J. Downing, T.A. Hall, and R. Raffelsiefen (eds), Paradigms in Phonological Theory, 44-64. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 

Adi-Bensaid, Limor and Outi Bat-El. 2004. The development of the prosodic word in the speech of a hearing impaired child with a cochlear implant device. Journal of Multilingual Communication Disorders 2, 187-206.

Bat-El, Outi. 2004. Parsing forms with identical consonants: Hebrew reduplication. In D. Ravid and H. Bat Zeev Shyldkrot (eds), Perspectives on Language and Language Development, 25-34. Dordrecht: Kluwer.

Bat-El, Outi. 2003. The fate of the consonantal root and the binyan in Optimality Theory. Recherches Linguistiques de Vincennes 32, 31-60. 

Bat-El, Outi. 2003. Anti-faithfulness: An inherent morphological property. In J. Lecarme (ed.), Research in Afroasiatic Grammar II, 21-34. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Bat-El, Outi. 2002. True truncation in colloquial Hebrew imperatives. Language 78, 651-683.

Bat-El, Outi. 2002. Semitic verb structure within a universal perspective. In J. Shimron (ed.), Language Processing and Acquisition in Languages of Semitic, Root-based, Morphology, 29-59. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Bat-El, Outi. 2001. In search for the roots of the C-root: The essence of Semitic morphology. A paper presented at the Workshop on Roots and Template Morphology. Los Angeles.

Bat-El, Outi. 2000. The grammaticality of “extragrammatical” morphology. Extragrammatical and Marginal Morphology. In Doleschal and Thornton (eds), 61-84. Munich: Lincom Europa.

Bat-El, Outi. 1997. On the visibility of word internal morphological features. Linguistics 35, 289-316.

Bat-El, Outi. 1996. Selecting the best of the worse: The grammar of Hebrew blends. Phonology 13, 283-328.

Bat-El, Outi. 1996. Phonologically-based word formation: Modern Hebrew blends. In Kleinhenz (ed.), Interfaces in Phonology,  231-250. Berlin: Akademie Verlag.

Bat-El, Outi. 1995. Surviving constraint violation: Tiberian Hebrew conjunctive waw. Mediterranean Language Review 9, 29-42

Bat-El, Outi. 1995. On the apparent ambiguity of the schwa symbol in Tiberian Hebrew. Langues Orientales Anciennes Philologie et Linguistique 5-6, 79-96.

Bat-El, Outi. 1994. Resolving prosodic mismatch in Modern Hebrew verb formation. In van der Hulst and van de Weijer (eds), Leiden in Last: HIL Phonology Papers I. 25-40. The Hague: Holland Academic Graphics.

Bat-El, Outi. 1994. Stem modification and cluster transfer in Modern Hebrew. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 12, 571-593.

Bat-El, Outi. 1994. The optimal acronym word in Hebrew. Proceedings of the 1994 Annual Conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association. Koskinen (ed.), Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics, 23-37.

Bat-El, Outi. 1994. Onset violation in Tiberian Hebrew. J. Merchant, J. Padgett and R. Walker (eds), Phonology at Santa Cruz v.3, 1-12. The Linguistic Research Center, UCSC.

Bat-El, Outi. 1993. Parasitic metrification in the Modern Hebrew stress system. The Linguistic Review 10, 189-210.

Bat-El, Outi. 1988. Distinctive nasality in Kwawu: A prosodic account. Studies in African Linguistics 19, 173-203.

Bat-El, Outi. 1988. Remarks on tier conflation. Linguistic Inquiry 19, 477-484.

Bat-El, Outi. 1985. Locality in morphological derivation. In Goldberg et al. (eds), Proceedings of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics v.4, 12-22. The Stanford Linguistics Association .